Zandonà begins its story in 1985, based in one of the most important industrial districts in the world, committing itself to Research and Development of solutions for plastics-technology. In 1997 it began the study and the implementation of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) that were completed and marketed worldwide since 2001.
Starting from personal protection for several sport disciplines (motorbikes, horse riding, wintersports, mtb), Zandonà began to collaborate with armed force partners, exploiting the experience gained over time to develop innovative products, high in quality and covered by a functional design to obtain high performance with style and comfort.
Zandonà makes products according to necessity or demand, having this as its own strength*.
Zandonà is guarantee of competence and professionalism in DPI production, exclusively developed, certified and made in Italy.
The mission is protecting passions, the goal is the satisfaction of customers.
*Product’s developments according to technical documents are possible.